An unexpected development... VERY UNEXPECTED!

Terrified, Meche tells Max what Tonio and Raquel wanted from her. Max darkly warned her  he'll have her and her brother killed if she dared open her mouth to Tonio about the identity of Roberto Aguirre.

While Tonio is talking with  Victoria, still very angry about Raquel and Max, Chucho knocked on the door to inform him Meche was waiting to see him. 

Frightened by Max, Meche is very evasive when Tonio questioned her in his study. He asked why Raquel was in her house, and Meche told him Raquel needed her help to find Roberto Aguirre. Tonio asked her how Roberto Aguirre knew about Martha's accident.  She claimed she met Roberto Aguirre at a bar and when he heard about her brother's  issue, came up with the plan to pretend Martha had caused his accident.  She pleaded for Tonio's forgiveness,   insisting Gabriel disapproved of the plan the whole time.

Considering the amount of times Tonio has been lied to and taken advantage of, I would call this a case of Meche pushing her luck and trying his patience! 

 Tonio  however found out something important, that Raquel  just learnt of the farce the day he'd confronted her.  When Tonio asks her about Julia's involvement,  she lied that she was'nt  involved. Tonio informed her Julia had called Roberto Aguirre to ask for the rest of her money, to her horror. Now she had to ask Julia for Aguirre's address. 

Victoria and Claudio are amazed to hear from Andres that the prank caller, Roberto Aguirre had paid Meche to lie about Martha causing Gabrielle's accident. 

 Daniel and Martha find Raquel lying down and looking even paler; Raquel is anxious for her plan to work and go back to Guadalajara. Daniel tells Martha about Raquel's suspicions about Max being Roberto. 

After Meche leaves, Alejandra asked Chucho to take her to see Raquel. 

Max is concerned that Raquel is ill, urging them to get a doctor. He is horrified when Meche entered the room. Raquel introduced them both, watching their faces. After he left, Meche said that Max wasn't Roberto Aguirre. Raquel is very disappointed. 

Chucho tells Tonio Raquel had called his office the day she left to inform him about the scam, confirming further that Raquel didn't know about the matter or that Roberto Aguirre had hired Meche. 

A doctor is summoned and he examines Raquel thoroughly, giving her some medication to take and advising her to rest. Martha asks for the diagnosis. Raquel said, high blood pressure and also... she's pregnant. Martha gasped, 'My God...'

Raquel nodded. 'This time I'm sure.'

 What happens next???


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