Max called Pam again, telling her to indicate if someone was with her, yes or no. Pam said he had the wrong number and hung up again. Andres and Pablo arrive; Andres and Tonio exchanged joyful, brotherly hugs- Pablo received one too. They sit down and immediately exchanged information. Andres assured him Raquel had been loyal and faithful and missed him very much when Tonio voiced his anger at Raquel for allowing Evil Max to live at the mansion and handle the company. Tonio just wanted to know who was on his side and who wasn't. He also told Andres what Maura had said about his wife, but of course hadn’t believed a word. Andres told him how Gabriel had told Raquel Max was Robert Aguirre.  Tonio listened as Andres also revealed how Raquel was rushed to the hospital after confronting Max. Then her hysteria and insistence the police to be called until Oscar gave her a sedative. 
The phone rang and Pam picked it up. It was Raquel, demanding to know what the hell was going on. Meche was with her, sobbing. Andres urged him to talk to Raquel but Tonio shook his head; their reunion wasn’t going to be over the phone.(I should THINK not)

Pablo took the receiver; Raquel informed him that Meche had changed her story; Max was Roberto Aguirre and had kidnapped Gabriel, and she was certain Luis Trejo-his henchman- was involved in the abduction.  
Martha listened to the conversation before slipping away. Pablo promised to see to it. Raquel hung up and consoled Meche. Andres told Tonio about Gabriel and what Meche  told Raquel. The men now knew both Gato and Max had used the name. Tonio vowed to make Max and his friends pay for trying to kill him... they will pay!

Evil Max informed Rod that Pablo and Andres had been acting strangely lately. Rod mentioned Maura, she too had been acting strangely, taking off on a trip all of a sudden. He suspected that Gato had wanted to give Raquel some info and probably went to someone else since Raquel unavailable when he called. Max mumbled how he would be finished if it turned out Tonio was alive.

  Oh...yes Evil Max. 

Martha went to speak to Luis again and after some clever manoeuvering,  got the info she needed; Max was behind Tonio’s murder.  She suddenly fled from the flat, Luis chasing her. Gabriel heard her voice and banged on the door. Martha stopped when she heard Gabriel’s yelling her name and alas, despite a struggle, Luis dragged her back into the flat.


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