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Showing posts with label On a Personal Note.... Show all posts
Showing posts with label On a Personal Note.... Show all posts
ANOTHER TALE TOLD! : 'The Wishing Well and Other Stories'
I'm not exactly what you call the patient type but it's definitely true about good things coming to those who wait. And it has been definitely a long wait for me.
Now I can spread the good news, my new book- The Wishing Well & other stories- my third after 2006's The Cunning Tortoise & other Stories and The Medicine Girl & other stories- is at last in print, published by Literamed Publications, Nigeria.
Each tale is aimed at entertaining my young readers and - I hope- educate them. The best thing about writing for kids is knowing that you are going out of your way to make reading fun for them. The more I look at this current achievement, the better I feel about my chosen path, Children's Literature. Of course, I still hope to expand my horizons, but now I've realised that writing for children is something I want to do for a very long time, by God's Grace.
To buy it in kindle form, go to this link.
What’s Been Happening With Me… And Then Some
New Month! We are slowly creeping towards the end of 2016 and before we know
it, there will be Christmas trees and lights all over the place again.
know my posts have been rather irregular lately and I apologise. Believe me, it
wasn’t out of laziness or nonchalance; I love my blog and nothing gives me so much pleasure than to
write and share posts I find interesting to my readers.
main reason was, I was going through a rather difficult time. My freelance
writing gig turned out to be a disappointment, I was rounding off my final
college project so I could finally get my B.Ed. degree next year (God willing) and
then I got plagued with terrible migraines. There’s been the occasional one
whenever I got stressed but this time it was really bad. For days, I could
barely hold up my head and I was unable to think straight at all. I lay in
bed, staring at my old laptop, wanting to write, yet not able to think of one
good sentence. And then I found myself sobbing for no reason, making the
migraines worse. I took painkillers, I stopped drinking tea, Coca Cola and
Pepsi to lessen my caffeine intake but it barely made a dent. Out of
desperation, I finally I goggled my symptoms and saw that I was suffering from
stress and mild depression. The stress could have been worry over my project
and a few other stuff, but the depression… that was another kettle of fish and I
did what I could to relieve myself of it. The self help site I found to help me
with my problem proved really insightful and after taking some of the
suggestions to heart, the migraines slowly stopped.
came; I fasted and prayed hard and began preparing new posts, but a few weeks
later, Malaria struck so there was no way I could do anything until I got
better. And I am fully recovered now and more than anxious to get back to
through June, I vowed to make some changes in my life and I’ve found myself being
all the more better for it. One of them is doing away with fear and negativity
and achieving goals instead of procrastinating most of the time. Nothing can
bring you peace but yourself, with God’s guidance of course. And the more
confidence you have of yourself; you can achieve so many things. And that’s
what I intend to focus on.
in “blogship”,
As soon as the clock strikes midnight and the first day of the New Year emerges,everyone is always filled with the optimism that the fresh new year will be a whole lot better than the previous one. There's also that scary feeling on that last day of the Old year; that we'll never see that year again and what the New one would bring.
This time last year, I prayed that all my hopes and aspirations will come to pass; which included a stack of new manuscripts ready to be submitted to publishers, a place of my own and finished preparations to move out of the country for a new life. When you've spent most of your life doing what you are told and constantly under pressure of doing what's expected of you (like I have) you wouldn't feel guilty about wanting a life of your own and the means of putting food on the table and a roof over your head- without relying on anyone. Instead, I spent months writing my final project and taking care of the remaining carryover courses I had in my course of study (English Education at the University of Lagos) and nursing the fervent hope I will finally graduate.
Afterwards, there was job hunting which was a harrowing experience since I decided not to take up the reins of teaching again and no one seemed to want a writer; freelance or otherwise. Money wise I didn't do so bad because I had an allowance. I guess I should be grateful but when you're in your mid thirties, there's the strong feeling of shame and embarrassment within you and being reminded of your dependency is a strong fuel for depression, of which I experienced now and then.
My spirits got lifted on getting an email from my publishers that the manuscript for my third children's book had been accepted, (still have no idea when it will come out). The feeling of depression however came back when- because of generally poor book sales, I didn't receive any royalties. No job, no money of my own; I felt a huge sense of failure and wished I could just find some solace.
This morning, while getting my hair done, I stared at the mirror and it hit me, this year I'll be three years away from 40. No lines on my face or strands of grey in my hair yet but it was still discerning to realise I'm in my late thirties and yet to finally reach the pinnacle. I won't bore my readers on how my home life really is, but one thing I can say, it's not the life of a typical 36 year old woman. But I only have myself to blame for maintaining the status quo for so long an letting it define my life in many ways. I said earlier that on the first day of a New Year, there's the great feeling of optimism that the fresh New Year would be different from the old one, positively of course. But it's not enough to JUST wish and pray, you have to work towards it too.
And it's what I intend to strive for, work my way to achievement and change my life for the better. Because, there might come a time I would look in the mirror and find a 40 year old woman and (God forbid) still unfulfilled, bitter and resentful. Looking back on your life motivates you to move forward, in the hope that you will do things differently and experience better things- with God's help. I believe wholeheartedly in God and I believe He will guide my footsteps in whatever I do.
So here's hoping and praying for a very happy 2016 and beyond.
BYE BYE 2014...
Going over this year; it was happy and uneventful, even though half of it was spent working very hard to clear the rest of my papers at the University (taking the final exam in April) so I'll finally get my B.Ed in English Education. I also got to finish the manuscript for my third children's book (STILL waiting for the editor's response on that) and while I hoped to finally write my novel, I ended up changing the story's plot over and over again!
Yet there were the good parts. I got to go to Dubai with some friends, I clocked 35 and celebrated in a small way and created a third blog MY BOOK CABINET. I also learnt to stop being such a worrier and be more optimistic about the future and achieving my goals. Of course there was the reminder from some family members and friends that at 35 I'm not getting any younger and see about finding a husband and having babies.
I believe 2015 will be a good year and I hope to achieve a lot of things. For example, finding a steady good paying job, finally finishing my novel and getting it published with more to follow, finally moving to Canada and having my own life as a successful writer and other stuff like maybe finally a man who's definitely the one. While I'm not enthusiastic about marriage, it's not like I've completely ruled it out; I just don't want to be constantly reminded about my single status, it's not like it's a sin anyway (or anybody's damned business). I also hope there would be less reports about terrorists' attacks, shootings and whatever and I and every member of my family will be there this time in 2015 to welcome 2016.
So... bye bye 2014... PLEASE 2015, be a great year!
Writers aren't allowed to give themselves excuses NOT to write. The main thing we firmly tell ourselves is GET ON WITH IT! After completing the manuscript of my third children's book (at least I pray it will become a book eventually) my mind turned to the next thing; my first novel. After discarding several ideas, I decided to try my hand in writing a 'coming of age' story. But after a few lines I drew a blank... except when I write fanfiction; probably because I'm trying to create my own characters now and leave subtle messages in the story besides telling the story. And there's still the fear; that I wouldn't measure up to the really established writers out there; writers like Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie- who has three novels and a collection of short stories under her belt. I actually met her years ago at the University of Lagos when she introduced her second novel, Half Of A Yellow Sun (now a major motion picture). While signing my copy of Purple Hibiscus (her first novel) I nervously showed her my two children's books which she briefly leafed through, nodded approvingly then asked me, what it only children's books I would keep writing?
That question struck a chord in me and I began asking myself the same question since then. My children's books (particularly the animal fables) are much liked, but should I stick to them ore try harder to be a novelist? Some say, "do what you know", but others say, "expand your horizons and think outside the box". To test myself, I indulged in "practice writing"- writing Days of Our Lives fanfiction and from the kind responses, it seems I can actually be a novelist.
With all the advice and tips I've gleaned from the Internet on the best way to write a novel, I'm focusing on the best one... GET ON WITH IT; JUST WRITE! Ms. Adichie and other writers didn't sit down and dream or wait for inspiration and I don't intent to do that either. I shouldn't be afraid of mediocrity, but of not achieving my objective at all; which I will do via hard work and determination. And eventually, my tale will finally be told.
Today was spent at Dubai's World Center and it's so indescribable that I'll just let the pics do all the talking!
At Modhesh World! (sorry about the blurry pic)
Or these natural amber beads either... *sniff*
At Modhesh World! (sorry about the blurry pic)
Modhesh World's Food Court...
And my lunch! :-)
After that I headed back to Dubai Mall for a little window shopping...
Sighed over this lovely amber and crystal set I could'nt afford...
Or these natural amber beads either... *sniff*
Wandered into Richard Branson's place...
And was able to buy this at least! (the friendly sales guy was surprised I preferred this over the 2005 version)
Went to find the ladies' room before leaving; very clean and perfumed place but lousy spelling on the sign!
Hey folks!
Right now, I'm on a trip of a lifetime- 10 days' vacation in Dubai! It's more than I ever dreamt possible and I'm so excited to be here. I'm travelling with friends of course, it's the only way it could be afforded in the first place. Like I was earlier warned, almost EVERYTHING here costs an arm and a leg, but goodness... it's all so beautiful and exotic!

Most of the hotels here offer apartments so the four of us are currently chilling out in a nice one at THE PEARL RESIDENCE with a well equipped kitchen, a sitting room and two bathrooms! One has to simply be careful at spending and once you remember not to be extravagant, you won't have a problem. At least the breakfast buffet is free!
Dubai's lovely and the people are so nice and friendly, and you feel right at home. The architecture is breathtaking... I couldn't take pics fast enough on my mobile as we drove to the Dubai Mall today via Shuttle Bus...
We were too wiped out after the 7 hour trip from Lagos so all we did yesterday after a rest to buy groceries, mostly bread, tomatoes, oil and fruit- we brought some instant noodles, dried pepper, onions and yams and rice from home to cook on the electric stove. But today, we took the bus to the mall and what a mall!
The Palms in Victoria Island back home cannot hold a candle to this place- it was like entering a fantastic city- it had an aquarium of all things (the fish included nasty looking stingrays)
Several restaurants and cafes....
Right now, I'm on a trip of a lifetime- 10 days' vacation in Dubai! It's more than I ever dreamt possible and I'm so excited to be here. I'm travelling with friends of course, it's the only way it could be afforded in the first place. Like I was earlier warned, almost EVERYTHING here costs an arm and a leg, but goodness... it's all so beautiful and exotic!

Most of the hotels here offer apartments so the four of us are currently chilling out in a nice one at THE PEARL RESIDENCE with a well equipped kitchen, a sitting room and two bathrooms! One has to simply be careful at spending and once you remember not to be extravagant, you won't have a problem. At least the breakfast buffet is free!
Dubai's lovely and the people are so nice and friendly, and you feel right at home. The architecture is breathtaking... I couldn't take pics fast enough on my mobile as we drove to the Dubai Mall today via Shuttle Bus...
We were too wiped out after the 7 hour trip from Lagos so all we did yesterday after a rest to buy groceries, mostly bread, tomatoes, oil and fruit- we brought some instant noodles, dried pepper, onions and yams and rice from home to cook on the electric stove. But today, we took the bus to the mall and what a mall!
The Palms in Victoria Island back home cannot hold a candle to this place- it was like entering a fantastic city- it had an aquarium of all things (the fish included nasty looking stingrays)
Several restaurants and cafes....
Boutiques of almost every well known designer label in the fashion world...
A Dinosaur Fossil display; the guide there told me it was found in Wyoming in 2008 and over 150 million years old...
Toys stores... and I can't believe I saw this in one of them...
And several bookstores, in the largest one called BOOK WORLD, I found and bought a long searched for book...
Then my battery went down so I could'nt take pics of the indoor theme park with games and rides, the cinemas and other parts of the mall. I was sad to leave... but it's a day and sight to treasure!
More soon... I hope!
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