#ABRelived Acapulco Bay Episode 2- Destination: Acapulco

 Rachel and Marnie fly to Acapulco to meet 'the in-laws'. Meanwhile, a badly injured Tony is found by two peasants 

A quick note to first-timers...

 "Acapulco Bay" is the American remake of the 1985 Mexican telenovela, Tu O Nadie (No One But You); starring Lucia Mendez as Raquel Samaniego,  Salvador Pineda as Maximillian Albeniz and the now late Andres Garcia as Antonio Lombardo.   

Moving on...

Victoria asks Rachel to fly over to the family home in Acapulco, as they couldn't have such a long discussion over the phone. Rachel tearfully hangs up on Victoria, unable to believe what she just heard. She tells the bad news to Marnie, who is just as confused. Rachel weeps in her sister's arms.

Victoria is unable to believe Tony would just run off and get married in secret, asking Max if he ever mentioned his relationship with Rachel. Right... like Tony would confide in Max, of all people! 

Max proceeds to passive-aggressively badmouth his stepbrother, by saying he was always a little strange and how they never knew exactly where he went during his little trips. They only knew he went to San Francisco at all because he found the plane ticket. He promised his mother to investigate Rachel and keep the press from finding out until they were ready to make a statement.

Back in San Francisco, Rachel is still trying to puzzle out what she'd just found out, that Tony had a family when he said he didn't and how his home was in Acapulco yet had told her the company he worked for was based there. It suddenly occurred to her that maybe Victoria's stepson was someone of the same name and not her Tony. However, Marnie reminded her that Victoria knew her name and their phone number. More confused, Rachel weeps again, unable to believe the man she just married was dead. Marnie opens the Yellow Pages to book a flight. Ah... the days before the internet! 

At Casa Stockdale, Tony's slimy brother-in-law  Clark wonders if Tony left a Will leaving it all to Victoria, which they might have to fight in court since Camille is Tony's sister.  When Camille tells him to shut his mouth, her husband whines about how he's just looking out for her. As Camille ponders out loud if they did have a chance to contest the will, Max walks in and smugly tells them not to count their chickens just yet... Tony's estate belonged to his wife. Clark scoffs at the stupid statement but Max calmly tells him Tony married a woman called Rachel Swanson, or rather Rachel Stockdale,  the day before. 

As Max makes himself at home in Tony's study, Victoria joins him. She had searched Tony's room but was unable to find any photo of Rachel. She asks Max if he is going to fly to the crash site to obtain Tony's remains, but he swiftly tells her to let the police handle it, as it would be hard to obtain anything after such a horrific crash. H urges his mother not to worry about the press; advising her to tell them they knew Rachel the whole time and convince her to say the same. Meanwhile, he was going to San Francisco to conduct 'his investigations'. It was a ploy to make himself scarce when Rachel arrived for Tony's memorial service. 

Meanwhile, our hero, the sole survivor of the helicopter crash, gains consciousness and crawls out of a murky river, coughing painfully, his suit torn and bloody. As he tries to get his bearings, he collapses again. 

The next morning, Tony's colleagues and friends are gathered at the house. Charles, Tony's personal assistant/right-hand man, tells Victoria the police didn't find Tony's body. Hence, they should proceed with the memorial service without it. At a corner, Maura is furious to hear that Tony married someone else behind her back. Camille urged her to keep her anger to a minimum since everyone in the room had been told the family knew Rachel. 


The press, armed with notepads and mics, are behind the closed gates when Rachel and Marnie finally arrive in a taxi. Rachel is baffled at the opulent mansion, wondering if they are at the right address. 

On inquiry, the security guards confirm it but tell them no visitors are allowed. At Marnie's silent urging, Rachel quietly tells the guard she's Tony's wife, which immediately causes the press to pounce on her with questions. The guard places a call to the house. 

The family's butler, James, tells Victoria, who instructs him to bring Rachel in from the back. Rachel doesn't answer any questions from the press, thankfully following James who comes to the rescue. 

A young man stumbles upon an unconscious Tony. He yells for his uncle Martine, who runs over, and checks if  Tony's heart is beating before they carry him away.  

James leads Rachel and Marnie to a room, telling them to make themselves comfortable. Rachel still feels it was all a mistake while Marnie marvels over the obvious wealth. 

Tony's rescuers tend to his injuries in their shack. The young man thinks Tony may have been mugged since there was no money in his pockets. Martine, however, pointed at the gold watch on Tony's wrist; no mugger would take the money and leave the watch. 

As Tony slowly wakens, he is given something to drink and Martine asks for his name, to which Tony replies, a dazed look on his face. 

Back in Acapulco, Victoria receives the two visitors. Rachel insists there must be a mistake since Tony said he had no family and wasn't rich enough to live in a mansion. Victoria hands her the marriage certificate (or was it a marriage licence?) and Rachel confirms her handwriting is on it. Victoria tells her it was found along with a plane ticket to San Francisco. Rachel burst into tears again, consoled by Marnie. Victoria urges her to be strong, telling her Tony never told the family about her but may have had his reasons. As Marnie informs Victoria, in answer to her question if they brought enough clothes, they didn't have appropriate black dresses for the service, and James returns. He is instructed to bring some Valium for Rachel and to tell Camille to go through her wardrobe and lend the visitors a black dress each. 

Back in Martine's shack, the two men wonder what to do with Tony; they were far away from town to get a doctor, who they couldn't pay for. After sending his nephew away to find Pancho (probably their dog),  Martine slips the expensive-looking gold watch off  Tony's wrist. 

At Casa Stockdale, Rachel and Marnie are now wearing black dresses (however I wouldn't call them appropriate for a funeral). Victoria returns with black purses for them, reminding them not to answer any questions from the press or anyone else. 

In the sitting room, Camille and Clark wait to receive their new in-laws. Clark feels Tony must have been out of his mind, while Camille is disgusted over having to lend them her clothes. Victoria leads Rachel in and introduces her and Marnie. Clark takes a drink and doesn't acknowledge her, while Camille ignores her, asking Victoria where Max is instead. After Victoria affirms he was probably at the funeral home. 

Martine's nephew isn't pleased his uncle took Tony's watch. Martine says he put it away for safekeeping (yeah, right). Besides, it wouldn't do him any good if he died. At the chapel, Rachel is introduced to Tony's girlfriend, Maura, who gives Rachel the stink eye as she replies, 'a pleasure'. 

Tony regains consciousness and, when he's asked, tells them he was in a helicopter crash. He asks for his pilot but is told by Martine, who introduces himself as Martine Lopez and his nephew Pablo, only he is found. 

In San Francisco, Rachel and Marnie's dad, Peter, is surprised to see 'Tony' as the girls are at Acapulco. 

I don't think he was informed of his 'in-law's' death. 

Max calmly tells Peter he knew about his and his friend Roger's little operation, fencing stolen goods. Peter defensively claims they sell used and old things but Max corrects him, lighting a cigarette. 

Max assures him he won't turn him and Roger over to the police. Max whines about how his bad leg prevented him from getting a regular job and he had to do something to lessen the burden on Rachel. Max replies that he won't have to worry about money again, since Rachel was Tony Stockdale's widow, one of the richest men in the country. Peter told him to stop being funny since he was Tony Stockdale. Max calmly told him the truth, Tony was his stepbrother, while he was Max Hauser. 

The Stockdale family return to the mansion after the service and James informs Victoria that Max said he'll be back home in the evening. Camille bitterly wonders what excuse Max had for not coming to the funeral. Victoria sends a weary Rachel up to her room, advising her to lie down. 

Victoria tells Camille and Clarke about Max's 'investigations' about Rachel and her family in San Francisco and what Tony supposedly told Rachel about his background. Clarke questions if the marriage is legal, and how unfair it was that Rachel owns everything... what if she threw them all out? Victoria defends Rachel, calling her a very nice girl. 

Peter is furious with Max for tricking his daughter. Max scathingly replies that he should be grateful, he was going to be richer than he imagined. Peter coldly asks how Max knew the real Tony was going to die. (Good question!) 

Max said he already knew there were several people out there who wanted to dispose of Tony, implying he had enemies. He, on the other hand, just took advantage of the circumstances. Peter wonders if anyone will find out. Max is confident no one will; the family are convinced Rachel married Tony and the marriage licence was evidence. And he was going to convince Rachel to go along with the lie. However, he needed Peter's support in the matter. Peter bitterly feels Max wants him to do something dishonest, but Max swiftly points out he's been dishonest for most of his life already; this time, he would have millions. He could either live like a king or survive like a rat. If he tipped the police, he'd spend the rest of his life in prison.

 Before he leaves the apartment, Max throws Peter a wad of cash and replaces a framed photo of Rachel and himself with a digitally altered one of her and Tony, for the press to see when they came to interview him. 

Victoria comes in to check on Rachel, who is still trying to wrap her head around the situation. She again tells Victoria Tony never told her about his family or wealth. They met 3 months ago; he had an apartment in San Francisco, and he'd told her he worked in construction. Victoria urges her to rest, and they'll talk about the next step in the morning; her son Max is on his way home. 


Max pulls up in his red sports car and asks James where Tony's widow was; telling him not to tell anyone he was home. 

Tony manages to sit up, asking for the time AND his watch. When Martine sheepishly hands it to him, Tony says he can keep it; he just wants to know the time. Tony's brain is still in a haze, he doesn't remember the crash, only that he was in a helicopter. 

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