Mummy Victoria believed Raquel ran away because of problems with Tonio- and had probably asked Max to assist her. Camilla lied to Tonio that she’d seen Max and Raquel kissing; he swallows his anger and doesn’t reply.
Martha manages to get in touch with Tonio and gives him their location under Raquel’s nose.
The head servant, Ramon comes back from his vacation and confirms from Victoria and Camilla that Tonio was now married.
While Martha and Don Daniel go sight seeing, Raquel confesses to Max that she’d told Tonio the whole story. Max is angry but is still confident Tonio did not have enough proof against him, besides he would do anything to avoid a scandal. Tonio flies to Mexico City.
Back at the hotel, Max tries to embrace Raquel, saying she’s been avoiding him for a long time, but she pushes him away, filled with scorn when he said he was still in love with her. There’s a knock on the door, it’s TONIO!


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