Happy, Happy New Year to everyone as we welcome 2010 and my God see us all through this year, as well as this. 2009 was an uneventful year for me but I cherished it; I'm the sort of person that thrives on relative peace in life and by the grace of God- it will always be that way.
Well, I pray 2010 will be a very good year for the country and I SINCERELY hope that one of the New Year miracles we shall recieve is the safe return of our president and the end of the damned fuel scarcity going on- it's totally ridiculous. And I also hope this year will bring-at long last- 24 hours of electricity; it's so annoying paying bills every month and not getting your money's worth & businesses crumbling.
As for this blog, MY FAVORITE THINGS, it will be 3 years old by May- and I really hope to get more visitors and money from it, 'cause man must eat as well ,musn't he?
In the meantime, stand by for more Tu O Nadie snippets as well as other fun stuff I can put together. HAPPY NEW YEAR and may we all have many more... Insha Allah. Peace & Love from your host.
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