PRAISE BE TO GOD, FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS & MIRACLES FLOW!!! When I got up this morning, (i stayed up till 2 watching the polls) I immediately switched on the T.V and STV News reported that
Senator Barack Obama emerged the winner of the 2008 U.S.A presidential elections! AT LONG, LONG LAST-
Dr. King's dream finally realised, our prayers answered - a free and fair election resulted in an african-american the new president of the U.S.A. This is truly a historical and very,very happy day for the black race and I can't stop praising God for making this happen; I never never doubted for a minute He had something huge in store for the so long downtrodden african-amercians, never doubted it for a minute. Already several world leaders have congratulated the new president-elect on his victoryand a mass celebration is still going on in his late father's country-Kenya, their president has even declared tommorow a national holiday to commemorate this happy day.
What I like best about this is that a lot of people, BOTH black & white, voted for Obama, showing interracial unity, equality and friendship- one of the main things Dr. King wanted so much & for that I praise and thank God to infinity. And wherever Dr. King, Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers & Malcom X are now, I sincerely believe they are weeping & singing with joy at what God has brought to America, A GREAT CHANGE.

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