Child’s Play came my way in Junior secondary school.  By a stroke of fate I watched Child’s Play 2 first but several class mates had given me the “low down” on Chucky- that it was a doll possessed by the devil. That wasn’t true of course; I found out in the first film later that he was a doll possessed by a serial killer, Charles Lee Ray; who dabbled in the occult and voodoo. Even if I watched it first and saw the parts where it was vaguely hinted it was Andy( Alex Vincent) behind the killings, I wouldn’t have believed it anyway- not after the dramatic scene where Charles (Brad Dourif; who also voiced Chucky from then on) took a doll out of its box and chanted some voodoo words and the camera close-ups on the doll’s face. The whole time I wondered when exactly would they finally believe Andy’s story and that scene was unforgettable- Andy’s mother Karen (Katherine Hicks) discovers the batteries were still in the doll box and Chucky had been moving his head and chanting, “Hi, I’m Chucky and I’ll be your friend to the end!” all that time... without the batteries. She is nervous and tests Chucky by lighting a fire and threatening to throw him in if he didn’t speak and surprise, surprise... he snarled at her in Charles’ voice; beats her off, bites her  arm and flees! One theme I saw there was scepticism, who was going to believe a story about a possessed doll? So many people in the movie were inclined to think Andy needed professional help. I played this movie on my laptop for my colleagues to watch in the staff room and they were spellbound; the Geography teacher said something like this could actually happen but every one else said ‘Rubbish!’
‘Ah, but evil is real; the devil is real but we have God’s protection,’ was the answer. Any how, Child’s Play made a huge impression in my country.

 I don’t know people’s opinions about Child’s Play 3 here but my brothers and I didn’t enjoy it as much as we enjoyed 1 & 2. We saw there’d been a several year jump since 2; Andy was now a teenager (played by Justin Whalen), people viewing him with suspicion and his mother still at the mental institution. Chucky decides to try his luck on a younger child and kills a few people here and there. Andy gets his first kiss and there’s a showdown where Chucky is ripped to shreds. I don’t know... it just didn’t have what 1 and 2 had, an aura of suspense.

Bride of Chucky was unexpected and a disappointment. Oh there was the violence but it wasn’t as dark as part 1 and 2 and Seed of Chucky was complete rubbish; half the movie was spent guessing if Glen (Chucky & Tiffany’s spawn) was a boy or a girl and the movie, like most horror movies, ended ambiguously. I remember thinking if Don Mancini should bring in a new Chucky story, he should at least let Andy be the one to kill Chucky once and for all. But with the way Seed of Chucky ended (the human Glen finding his father’s arm in a box); I gave up on the idea.

 Then came Curse of Chucky; Don Mancini returning his story back to its dark roots. The viewers are introduced to Chucky's new main victim Nica (Brad Dourif's real life daughter, Fiona Dourif), got to see an important part of Charles’ past and then... oh joy!!! We see  grown up Andy at long last (a now 32 year old Alex Vincent) aiming a shotgun at Chucky and saying, ‘Play with this!’ and pulling the trigger. 

Will there be a new one? If so, I hope Andy is in it again; let him be the one to end Chucky’s circle! 

                                                             MAGIC (1978)

I dimly remember Anthony Hopkins’ (I didn’t know his name at the time) 1978 movie Magic where he played a disturbed ventriloquist “dominated” by his dummy, Fats (charming name by the way). I’ve been scared of ventriloquist dummies since then; it’s almost like they have a mind and a life of their own as opposed to puppets. And Fats is very memorable, he was the creepiest craved figure I’ve ever seen. No wonder the initial trailer  was pulled away from T.V, apparently it was far too creepy and children at the time were having nightmares because of it.
Magic is described as a horror love story and it was adapted from William Goldman’s novel of the same name (he wrote the screenplay as well). Fats, the dummy isn’t possessed like his much later counterpart Chucky; it was more like Corky (Hopkins) was possessed by Fats. A ventriloquist provides the voice of the dummy and chooses it personality- it could be childlike, solemn, funny or cheeky; Fats was quite insolent. What was the odd connection between Corky and Fats and why did he choose to give Fats such a personality to begin with? Apparently, Corky has multiple personality disorder; Fats is his supposed to be his instrument but he was actually a means of unleashing his ‘other’ personality - a dominant, homicidal personality who controls him. Yeesh... sounds somehow like The Ventriloquist in the Batman comics!
Like Psycho, his ‘other personality’ is jealous of Corky’s lover, Peggy. Corky imagines Fats ‘telling’ him to kill and he does; his agent and Peg’s husband. He and Peg have a fight and Fats ‘orders’ him to kill her. But Corky, who we can see is really mental, commits suicide instead; to save Peggy and I guess himself ...from Fats’ ‘influence’.
Peggy has a change of heart and goes looking for Corky; but her voice has creepily changed to a female version of Fats’ voice... to this day, I still don’t understand why. Psycho’s ending was easier to understand than Magic’s. 

                                                      PINOCCHIO’S REVENGE (1996)

First off, I don’t like the title because I felt children who saw this would probably see the character Pinocchio from the actual kids’ story in a negative light from then on. And the movie’s plot is a real head scratcher; at the end of the film we (my family and I) couldn't draw a proper conclusion.
A lawyer, Jennifer (Rosalind Allen) gets hold of a wooden doll (or is it puppet?) that was buried with a boy and his father was executed for the murder but the lawyer felt the man was hiding something important that could’ve cleared him. The lawyer’s daughter, Zoe mistakes it for a present for her and takes it for herself; talking to it like she talks to her dolls. But then things start happening to people who upset the child... a bully is pushed in front of a bus, her mother’s boyfriend is injured then later killed. The child says Pinocchio did it, but the viewers don’t see him do it. We see scenes of her talking to Pinocchio and he answering back but a video tape at her therapist’s office of her doing so with no one else around, it  glaringly showed the child is talking to herself!
Zoe’s babysitter ended up beaten to death with a poker, again we don’t see who is doing it.
The climatic fight in the house; Jennifer sees Pinocchio with his strings cut and standing in the room... she runs for her life , he catches up with his knife in hand and they struggle and at the last minute she body slams him and he crashes onto a glass table. But hold on, it’s not Pinocchio... it’s Zoe lying there. Zoe is placed in psychiatric care; she doesn’t look nor speak to her mother and Jennifer still believes Zoe wasn’t the one who attacked her that night nor was responsible for the killings.
Like I said, a head- scratcher. What really happened?
Was the doll possessed by the devil? The accused child killer...  if it was truly the doll who killed his son, he obviously kept quiet about it because of course no one will believe it. But, why did he bury the doll with the boy in the first place if it was responsible for the murder? Was he possessed by the doll or simply insane?
Who pushed the bully, who killed David and Sophie; who did Jennifer really fight with that night; Zoe or Pinocchio? Did Zoe have hidden mental problems or did the doll drive her insane, like it probably drove the child killer insane?
What happened to the wooden doll in the end?
The movie was just left like that, with the viewers trying to decide who the real culprit was. 


 I read Bethany Hamilton's story in Reader's Digest some years ago. I saw a photo of this pretty young woman holding a broken surf board and to my horror saw she was missing an arm. That was when I read her story thoroughly.

Bethany was 13 when she lost her arm to a shark while surfing that fateful day, October 31, 2003. What moved me was she didn't even panic, she described how she remained calm as the people with her helped her back to shore and did what they could to the bleeding stump before taking her to the hospital. I can only imagine how her father (who was at the hospital that day for a knee surgery) must have felt when he was told his child had been attacked by a shark!
In the article, Bethany talked about how she was itching to go back to surfing as her dream was to be a professional surfer; which she is now. She got a lot of support from her family and friends and drew her strength from God, being a devout Christian. She  didn't sit around and mope about her lost arm... no! She was soon back in the water and taught herself how to surf with one arm. Looking at her arm in the photo, I knew she couldn't possibly wear a prosthetic arm in or out of the water because the bite was far too high up and I again marvelled at her courage and determination to conquer the waves and not let what that shark did to her stop her from fulfilling her dream. Who would go back to the water after such a trauma? Bethany did.

I watched the movie adaptation of her book- SOUL SURFER last month and I had to reach for my hanky at the footages of the real Bethany Hamilton surfing, beating the waves. With determination, she also had faith in God and thanks to Him, she's alive,  still surfing and a real role model.
Her story is moving and inspirational and the whole time I read it, I didn't see her as a victim. I saw a very courageous young woman and may God continue watching over her and leading her to victory.


It's now June. Protests in Nigeria and in several parts of the world still go on for the rescue of the Chibok school girls who were abducted by Boko Haram on the 14th of April 2014; 4 more have escaped but the remaining terrified girls  are yet to be rescued. It's not just about the girls; the bombings and the killing of innocent people are going as well. Recently, 9 people were killed in a church in Borno by the terrorists and it's been reported that some of the kidnapped girls have fallen ill due to malnutrition. But what are the options will be used to get them back since force cannot be used and how long is this nightmare going to continue? Of course, force cannot be used- it would surely endanger the girls  but what is going to be done??? That is the question surely on the minds of the grieving parents and everybody campaigning for their release.
Every day we keep our eyes and ears peeled out for good news but news remain bad; the girls are still out there, more bombings and killings and now, the police has banned protests in the capital.


The demonstrations, it was explained, are becoming a security threat to the capital's citizens. Apparently, anyone could just easily blend into the protesters and set off  bombs. Point taken but at the same time, the FCT police cannot expect the protesters to just take it like that and they aren't since they are taking it to court on the grounds the ban is illegal.
Whatever methods that will be adopted for rescuing the girls and put an end to Boko Haram at long last, the prayers continue. As for them, we all plead in the name of God... and Humanity.


According to several sources, 'The Hollywood Pest' who has now been fired from his job at 1+1 (and it  serves him right since he did more of upsetting celebrities and making a fool of himself than doing his job properly), will not serve time in jail for his latest 'prank', instead he's been officially banned from all  Hollywood events and given three years probation, made to do community service plus a year of psychological counselling. About time he was given that!
Vitalli Sediuk keeps maintaining that he's not crazy, he just thinks differently. Please... what do you call sticking your face under an actress' dress, attempting to kiss an actor, pressing your face on crotches, jumping over a barricade to hit an actor on the face AND running around in  a G string on a catwalk during Fashion Week, yet another event he crashed... you call all that normal? But hey... anything to get noticed right... you don't care what you do as long as your not so funny antics are reported!

Personally, I don't believe the freakazoid is going to behave himself; he seems so cocky, so overconfident and full of himself. And, I suspect, he's  not entirely right in the head which is why I'm glad he's going to get some counselling. Behind his creepily warm smiles, hides a guy who has mental  issues. He claimed his 'pranks' are for fun and he doesn't mean any harm well, he needs to know that it's not fun for the celebrities he's been annoying. He doesn't seem to have actually learnt his lesson but maybe, just maybe the court ordered counselling will knock some sense in that thick skull of his.


Ramona asked Marianna if she was glad she was having a baby. Marianna admitted she was but very sorry it had come about now; with  Luis Alberto so enraged with her. Ramon was confident that Marianna’s pregnancy would bring them back together and Marianna wondered if she should tell Luis Alberto right away. Ramona replied, as soon as possible and she would phone the best hotels in the city to locate him.
However she couldn’t because Luis Alberto had already left Mexico so Ramona sends a telegram. Luis Alberto is in Brazil with his partner, Mr. Duarte to begin their construction project. Mr. Duarte hands him a telegram that had arrived for him. Opening it, Luis read the message: Marianna is pregnant and she needed him. But Luis Alberto’s face hardens instead and doesn’t bother replying.
A few weeks go by and while Luis Alberto is resting on a hammock, he opened his eyes to see Marianna standing over him, looking very pretty in her white suit. Luis Alberto is not pleased to see her, demanding to know what she was doing in Brazil; to tell him in person about the baby.
Marianna actually came because she assumed he didn’t get Ramona’s telegram so she was very hurt by his words, didn’t he care about their unborn child?
‘Why should I?’ was Luis Alberto’s cold question.
Mariana said it’s his baby but he rudely interrupted her, saying it was a lie; what she had in her womb was not his baby but another man’s, just like with Esther when she claimed her baby was when it fact it was Diego’s. Marianna just wanted him to believe otherwise. Marianna should simply take the child to Leonardo after it’s born!
Marianna, some of her old fiery spirit returning, demanded that he listened to her for once but Luis Alberto stubbornly maintained he was not the father and Marianna was only trying to trick him. Twice, Esther had tricked him; a fake pregnancy and then a pregnancy that wasn’t his- two lies. Now Marianna was coming up with the same story. Mariana snapped that her own pregnancy wasn’t fake, they can go to the nearest hospital and he will know. But Luis Alberto said then it must be that imbecile’s child, not his; the imbecile she betrayed him for. Marianna said she never cheated on him, how could he think that of her? Luis Alberto asked, what was Leonardo doing in their bedroom, holding her like that?
Marianna kept insisting it was all a misunderstanding; Leonardo came by to wish them well but alas, Luis Alberto still didn’t believe her, really certain she was carrying Leonardo’s baby and said he hated her and she shouldn’t come looking for him again. (Poor Marianna!)
Summoning one of his workers, he instructed him to take Marianna to the airport and again telling her he didn’t want to see her again; she mustn’t come back. Marianna left, weeping pitifully.
 Luis Alberto sent a telegram to his parents; informing them his work in Brazil was going on well and he’ll be there for another 5 months.
Back in Mexico, Ramona and the other servants take care of Marianna who was having a rather difficult pregnancy; along with stress and worry and she’d lost hope of Luis Alberto returning to her. She is very sad Luis Alberto denied his own child. Ramona consoled her, at least Marianna was wealthy; she had enough to see to the child’s needs. Ramona went upstairs and Maria hands her a letter delivered by the mailman.

It’s a letter from Luis Alberto; he has decided to file for a divorce and suggested that Marianna asked Leonardo to take care of her child since he’s the ‘real father’. Filled with sheer anguish, Marianna fled the house. 


Okay... what more does this freakazoid have to do before the authorities do something to curb his ridiculous behavior with celebrities? Not long ago he managed to slip under America Ferrera's dress at the Cannes Festival ; now we hear that Vitalii  Sediuk struck Brad Pitt on the face (imagine that!) during the premire of Angelina Jolie's movie: Maleficent. The crazy man actually jumped over the barricade and slapped the actor before  taken away and I hope it's a polite word for 'arrested' because I  can't imagine them letting him go just like that this time.

Seriously, WHAT is this guy's problem and what exactly is the meaning behind these stupid pranks of his? Some sort of statement because honestly I really don't see why he insists on making a real nuisance of himself like this. It's either he wasn't given a warning after his behavior at the Cannes Festival or chose to ignore it; I didn't think he would pull another red carpet stunt that soon. It may not even be statement, it may be Sediuk wants his own amount of fame even if he winds up regarded as the 'celebrity pest' or just wants to see how far he can go and how often he can get away with his weird behavior.
But whatever his reasons for these stupid pranks, they are NOT FUNNY. If Sediuk wasn't given a warning the last time, he should be given a serious warning now; stop the 'pranks' or go to jail. Honestly, the man has turned from weird to simply ridiculous. They are calling Vitalii Sediuk  'the serial prankster' now, what will they call him if one of his 'celebrity pranks' causes an accident or worse, he walks up to a celebrity with a weapon in his hand? This man is no prankster, he's just a major stalker and a nuisance  looking for attention and notoriety. If that's the case, he's winning. It's best he should be treated like the freakazoid that he is, given ZERO attention and lock his ass in jail for a few months.
That will clip his wings!

Tu O Nadie: The fifth version

Did you know that the beloved 1985 telenovela " Tu No Nadie" (No One But You)   has a 5th version? I recently discovered this by ...

Quote of the Day