Well, as I mentioned in my last post, things are a bit boring now that CATALINA y SEBASTIAN has wrapped up, although there's LA REVANCHA on STV and EL CUERPO DEL DESEO on AIT, GoTel as well as Superscreen (which was once called Clapperboard )but somehow I just don't fell inclined to follow them, which is why there are no posts about them in this blog.
Instead I'm taking my visitors waaaaayyy back in time to about 1993,when NTA presented us with a telenovela most people argued was as fabulous as its predecessor, THE RICH ALSO CRY. This was TU O NADIE or as we knew it then as NO ONE BUT YOU, a.k.a YOU OR NO ONE.
Starring Andres Garcia (currently playing Pedro José Donoso in EL CUERPO DEL DESEO) the lovely Lucia Mendez and Salvador Pineda as the villain, Max(see him as the very nasty and obsessive Lucio in ESMERALDA).
The story opens to the city of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Raquel Samaniego, the beautiful heroine of the story, reddish brown curls framing her face, is just returning from the shop where she had purchased her dress for her wedding to her love whom she had been dating for six months; a young engineer called Antonio Lombardo. She enters the humble apartment she shares with her disdainful younger pouty faced sister Martha (Luz Maria Jerez) and their widowed (and simple minded) father, Don Daniel. Call me harsh but these two are going cause poor Raquel a lot of trouble several episodes from now. Moving on...
Raquel shows her wedding dress to Martha who admires it. Raquel then receives a phone call from her fiance, who promises to return from his business trip in time for their wedding day that very weekend. But as soon as he hangs up, the fiance's face visibly changes as his henchman, Luis (Tony Bravo) tells him his stepbrother, Antonio wanted to see him.
The viewers are initially confused but it's actually simple as we follow it.
The viewers are initially confused but it's actually simple as we follow it.
Raquel's fiance's real name is Maximilliano Alveniz and he's the stepbrother of the real Antonio Lombardo, a fabulously wealthy man whose father, the late Alberto Lombardo, married Max's widowed mother, Victoria. Alberto had left a huge trust fund and a permanent position in his company to Max in his Will but to the angry and greedy Max, he had been cheated as Antonio (the legal and true heir) had been given the entire estate, minus a big trust to Antonio's married sister Camilla. Let's go on...
Max sulkily goes to find Antonio, who is at the balcony watching the ocean view. We don't see his face immediately but Antonio turns when Max demands to know what he wants. The camera zooms in on a very handsome man roughly in his mid or late thirties - the extremely yummy and manly looking hero of the story, played by Andres Garcia.
Max sulkily goes to find Antonio, who is at the balcony watching the ocean view. We don't see his face immediately but Antonio turns when Max demands to know what he wants. The camera zooms in on a very handsome man roughly in his mid or late thirties - the extremely yummy and manly looking hero of the story, played by Andres Garcia.

When she asks him what happened between him and his 'brother', Max coldly reminds her that just because she married Tonio's late father- Alberto- it doesn't make Tonio his brother and how unfair 'the old man' had been to him and Victoria, leaving the bulk of his wealth to Antonio.
Is this guy for real?
Back in Guadalajara, Marnie wonders why Raquel and Tony preferred to have a small civil ceremony, which will not be .attended by their friends. Raquel reminded her of their plan to have a large church wedding after there's more money. Martha goes all sulky when Raquel tells her she will have to start paying the rent and other bills after the wedding, as their father will not be able to, apparently Raquel is the only one in the household that has a steady job and has been the primary provider.
In Acapulco, the Lombardos are at dinner and Victoria tells Antonio that Maura (his girlfriend) came looking for him while he was out but Antonio doesn't seem interested in calling her back, as he was going to be busy the next day. Max tells them both he will be going out of town and gets angry when Antonio tells him he could go since there's nothing serious pending- snappishly telling him he didn't need his permission, storming off.
Distressed, Victoria discusses his latest argument with Max, urging him to see Max's ( non existent) good qualities. Antonio calmly brushes Victoria's concerns aside, he's more than used to Max's tantrums and envy and reminds her that he only tolerated Max because of her. Planting an affectionate kiss on his stepmother's hand, he bade her goodnight.
At Guadalajara a few days later, Max and Raquel have their civil wedding in Raquel's apartment officiated by a judge. Max used Antonio's signature (he spent hours practising it)on the marriage certificate after the bride signed, then followed by Don Daniel, Martha and the judge's secretary who are the only witnesses.
The couple then go to his apartment where he begins to passionately kiss her neck but she gently pulls away, reminding him that they were not yet married by the church. Yah... our heroine is old fashioned that way. He's about to argue when the phone rings. It's Luis, to tell him that Antonio was leaving on a business trip.
Don Daniel returns after celebrating his favourite daughter's upcoming wedding at the bar with his friends, brushing off Raquel's worry about him ruining his health with too much drink.
At Guadalajara a few days later, Max and Raquel have their civil wedding in Raquel's apartment officiated by a judge. Max used Antonio's signature (he spent hours practising it)on the marriage certificate after the bride signed, then followed by Don Daniel, Martha and the judge's secretary who are the only witnesses.
The couple then go to his apartment where he begins to passionately kiss her neck but she gently pulls away, reminding him that they were not yet married by the church. Yah... our heroine is old fashioned that way. He's about to argue when the phone rings. It's Luis, to tell him that Antonio was leaving on a business trip.
Raquel is very confused when he tells her the office demands his presence and takes her home, with the promise of calling her and arranging the big church wedding after he got back from his trip.
Antonio is mildly surprised to see Max back from his vacation, Max sullenly lies that he had some work to catch up on.
Antonio leaves the mansion and the villain asks Luis if the trap has been set... the reply... YES.
Oh no... the foreshadowing of murder afoot.
Antonio and two men enter his private plane and take off. They haven't been in the air long before the plane makes odd noises and moves in an alarming way. The pilot does his best but is unable to prevent what happened next. The plane plunges down a valley and there's a huge CRASH!
Back in Guadalajara, Don Daniel talk with Raquel about Tony. When the subject of finances come up, Daniel tells Raquel a rich old woman wishes to have an estate sale but Daniel's friend doesn't have the capital to buy several of the items. Raquel is appalled when Daniel coaxingly asks her to help him out with the money. She doesn't approve of Daniel's relationship with his so called friend because he sells stolen goods.
Back at the mansion, Antonio's sister Camilla and his voluptuous girlfriend, Maura (eww) are at the pool, discussing him. They go in just as Max is about to relay the bad news to his mother... Antonio's plane had crashed and there were no survivors! The three women burst into tears.
Back at the mansion, Antonio's sister Camilla and his voluptuous girlfriend, Maura (eww) are at the pool, discussing him. They go in just as Max is about to relay the bad news to his mother... Antonio's plane had crashed and there were no survivors! The three women burst into tears.
Camilla runs to her house at the other end of the beach to tell her husband Claudio the bad news. He looks pensive then gently reminds her that Antonio's estate was now theirs. Very sensitive Claudio.
Camilla is of course furious. 'What are you talking about, Antonio was my brother!' and cries again.
As Victoria is grieving, Max gives her another surprise, he hands her a document he had found in Antonio's drawer in his room.To her amazement, it's a marriage certificate; why on earth had he gotten married without telling anyone and to a girl they did not know?
Finding the number in Antonio's address book(Max's doing), Victoria calls Guadalajara. Raquel is amazed when Victoria introduces herself as Antonio's stepmother as he'd told her many times that he had no family. Victoria gently gave her the bad news.
Meanwhile, several miles away from Acapulco, Antonio, the only survivor, regains consciousness. Not knowing where he is, he staggers away from the wrecked plane and the dead bodies of his friends.
To read ALL the episodes in the proper order click HERE
Loved this Soap. Know where I can get a copy?
ReplyDeleteI mother as well as all my aunts used to love this soap. Where can i get complete DVD set of No one but you
ReplyDeleteSo far, it's not available on DVD
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have any Idea where I can get complete series on DVD please send responses to eunicesoko@yahoo.co.uk
My Lord......I loved this soap.It was a hit back in my home country, Zambia
ReplyDeletedvd 1
CAPI1 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ZJKI5RHO
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I need this soap so bad, translated. Please help.
ReplyDeleteHelp me with the link for this soap please
ReplyDeletethe tu o nadie clips in youtube are not subtitled
ReplyDeleteyou have been so gracious to provide us with snippet 1...what about the rest.....poor us.....longing to know what Antonio and Rachel were talking about....
I even copied down all your comments just not to be left out of what was going on between the three of them.....( the hero , heroine and the villain)
ALL snippets are in this blog
ReplyDeleteDear Honey, Couldn't thank you enough for the snippets. They help me to somehow know what is going on while watching the videos
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness me! This takes me way way back. I wish there was a way I could rent these Telenovelas and watch all of them allover again. These were the days for sure. Does any one here know where I could get them-with English traslations or subtitles. All that is online is in Spanish.
ReplyDeleteJust learn Spanish. I am from Zed too - I mean Zambia. I loved No One But You. I have it in Spanish and I enjoy every bit of it...
ReplyDeleteThis was the best Telenovela ever. I watched it in 1994 when I was only 8 years but I remember so many things about it. The only other Telenovela I can compare it to is Second Chance (El Cuerpo Del Deseo) I even have the theme song, Corazon De Piedra sang by main girl Lucia Mendez. Memory lane indeed
I was 12 years old thereabouts when this telenovela first aired in Nigeria. It's a very good story which explains why it was remade 3 times but only the American version ACAPULCO BAY is the most faithful to the original; the last remake SORTILEGIO is full of complicated subplots- my Mum doesn't like it at all, she prefers the original till date
ReplyDeleteAny luck in finding where this can be bought on dvd??? Dnt care whether its spanish. English would better but just want the dvd.
ReplyDeletei don't think it's available on DVD for now but check here: http://www.te-lenovelas.com/id71.html
ReplyDeleteThank you Honey for the link..but I was wondering if the DVD has English subtitles.....
ReplyDeleteTu o Nadie is NOT available on DVD yet; just the remakes; ACAPULCO CUERPO y ALMA & Sortilegio and yes, they are subtitled in English
Deletethis novela was made before i was born but im Watching the it on vhs with my mom I love it I hate. Novellas except for this one ♥
ReplyDeleteHave it in dvd :email;patkanyago@yahoo.com
ReplyDeletegood job Honey !-what a priceless effort !!-may God bless you -hope to get it in English soon on you tube
ReplyDeleteGod bless you, thanks for reading
DeleteHI Amina,
ReplyDeleteTu O' Nadie !! entry into Indian Shore...
a brief write up on the same famous and an amazing serial Novella...
Best regards
Have visited you blog, best regards to you too :)
DeleteAmina Adams - how are you faring -long time -whing you the best
ReplyDeleteI am fine thank you, how are you?
DeleteDid you write all these snippets offhand? You actually remembered everything from your childhood? I am so happy to read all the snippets but is there anyway I can re-watch everything with English subtitles? Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this. You made my day. Did you write all the snippets from memory? How can we re-watch in English or with English subtitles?
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome- yes, I mostly wrote via memory. We taped a lot of the episodes when it aired and when it ended, we re-watched it over and over. By the time I began this blog in 2007, the tapes were ruined from age but I remembered more than enough. I watched the final episode on Youtube, to make sure I got the order of scenes right. I remembered what they said in English but I wanted to make sure I didn't skip a scene, since it was the last one.
DeleteSorry, from what I know TU O NADIE is not available on DVD- only two of the remakes.
Hey Annie... I've been looking for this soap for years and only to find these impecccable snippets which I have since downloaded. Any link for the movie, preferably in English or any language please?
ReplyDeleteMy name is Amina. And sorry, this version is yet to be on DVD.