A Message From Danielle Steel

April 2008

Dear Friends,

The beginning of April has always been a huge challenge for me. Most of my children are terrible practical jokers and thoroughly love torturing me on April Fool's Day. They call to tell me every imaginable horror, and of course I fall for it every year. Each time, I swear that next time I won't answer the phone, but of course I do...and I fall for it again. I'm sure this year will be no different!

On a more serious note, Passover will come in April. It's an important holiday in the Jewish faith, celebrating the end of slavery and liberation of the Jewish people in biblical times. It's a wonderful time to gather friends and family around the dinner table and enjoy one another.

I hope that, whatever your faith or activity, April will be a happy, peaceful month for you. Just watch out for practical jokers like my kids on the first!



P.S. You are always welcome to visit me at my home on the web:



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