Happy New Year to all my guests and thank you for the words of encouragement – I promise to continue keeping the flag flying. I’m more than happy making this my first blog post of 2009 and nobody needs 3 guesses; it’s because of the historical day millions of people around the world witnessed- the swearing in of the 44th President of the United States; President Barack Obama. After years of slavery, racial killing, segregation, inequality, the struggles the soldiers of change faced in the Civil Rights Movement, the prophetical words in the song, ‘WE SHALL OVERCOME,’ and Dr. Martin Luther King’s legendary speech, ‘I HAVE A DREAM’- has finally, finally come to pass and I can’t stop praising Almighty God for making this happen. God is Merciful and His time is the best, and with that in mind, I never never stopped believing He had a huge thing in store for the black race- something that will make us stand tall and gradually put an end to racism and make Dr. King’s dream of racial harmony a reality. And I mentioned in one post that after watching HEAD OF STATE, I firmly believed what happened in the film would one day one to pass, in spite of the negative comments from the more cynical members of my family. At the announcement of the election results and the swearing-in, I kept wiping my eyes with a Kleenex, out of joy and thinking about the efforts of the Civil Rights Leaders back in the bitter days of segregation.
Now we can finally say that Dr. King, Medger Evers, Malcolm X and all the other Civil rights leaders that were assassinated during the struggle didn’t die in vain(May their souls rest in peace) , for their dreams has finally come to pass, probably far more than they dared dream of.
May President Obama do both his birth country and ancestral country proud and I PRAY his administration will be a peaceful and prosperous one. AMIN.
Now we can finally say that Dr. King, Medger Evers, Malcolm X and all the other Civil rights leaders that were assassinated during the struggle didn’t die in vain(May their souls rest in peace) , for their dreams has finally come to pass, probably far more than they dared dream of.
May President Obama do both his birth country and ancestral country proud and I PRAY his administration will be a peaceful and prosperous one. AMIN.
Back to the home front, I know everyone is very disappointed about La Mujer de Lorenzo- I am as well but I promise to search everywhere for info on it- we are all more than anxious to find out what became of Laura and Evil Isabella and how Lorenzo was able to win back Sylvia. But I should remind you there'll be more posts on TU O NADIE, it's a very intersting telenovela as well, so pls turn to the blog and get more of its episodes.