More and more telenovelas coming in ; first 'CUERPO DEL DESEO ' and thanks to my battered Spanish Dictionary it means , BODY OF DESIRE and NOT 'SECOND CHANCE' and now 'TRIALS OF WOMEN', sort of like a reflection of this present heavy rainy season we've been experiencing lately. And we are yet to be done with CATALINA Y SEBASTIAN, ESMERALDA, REBECA as well as LA REVANCHA. Back in the 90's when we first got telenovelas, the practice was one after the other. First, it was THE RICH ALSO CRY, after it packed up came NO ONE BUT YOU, then afterwards when it was done THE LADY OF THE ROSE,somewhere in between(on weekdays) WILD ROSE , after LADY OF THE ROSE was MARIA DE LOS ANGELES. Some years later came ESCRAVA ISAURA, immediately it ended came SECRETS OF THE SANDS.

Not that i'm complaining or anything, but we are knee deep in telenovleas and how ON EARTH are we Nigerian viewers going to follow them , especially since TO SOBRE CAMILLA(all about Camilla), LA MUJER DI MI VIDA & LA HIJA DE JARDINERO are back in MBI, GOTEL and LTV respectively, plus LA USURPANDORA in Galaxy? pls. send your comments about this post and once again cast your votes below as this is the last day.

A reminder: i have the info. on LA USURPANDORA as well as its final episode on this blog.Pls Click on USURPADORA and END for what happens long after Paulina's trial and the very last episode.

About CUERPO DEL DESEO: it stars Mario Cimarro who played Antonio Adolfo Thompson in LA MUJER DI MI VIDA with his now EX wife Natalia who played Babarita(the blonde girl in the pic, they seperated last year) and telenovela legend Andres Garcia who we Nigerian viewers all remember as Antonio Lombardo in NO ONE BUT YOU with the lovely Lucia Mendez (see below LA MUJER DE MI VIDA).

PLOT: (courtesy of WIKIPEDIA)
The story features Pedro José Donoso (Andrés García), a wealthy old man in love with a gorgeous younger woman, Isabel Arroyo (Lorena Rojas). He dies suddenly, but returns to Earth through transmigration: (the passing of a soul into another body after death), in the body of Salvador Cerinza (Mario Cimarro
), a handsome (yet poor) family man. Pedro José searches for everything he lost, uncovering secrets, truths and deceptions. Ultimately, he must set things straight and save those who truly loved him.
Pedro Jose Donoso - a wealthy industrialist who, at 67, thinks he has everything he ever wanted. He has a gorgeous young wife, despite the age difference and opposition from his only daughter, Ángela.
Salvador Cerinza - a farmer who lives a sad life with his stingy wife Cantalicia and their son,
Moncho. Then everything changes when he suffers a mysterious accident.
Isabel Arroyo - a sensual, ambitious woman who loves her husband, Pedro Jose, at least on the surface.
Andrés Corona - Pedro Jose’s right hand man and Isabel’s secret lover. Two-faced, astute and ruthless, he will do anything to take everything Pedro Jose owns.
Ángela Donoso - the only daughter of Pedro Jose, who returns from abroad when she discovers his engagement to Isabel. She also has feelings for Andrés.

Sadly i got only 8 votes, which is making me feel like getting rid of this blog but any how...

Yes, it contains sexual content
1 (12%)

Yes, Galaxy TV & AIT keep on repeating episodes
0 (0%)
No, i want to see how it ends
7 (87%)




YOU treat your daughter like merchandise”- Alicia
I’m in love with Sebastian”- Catalina
I’ll fight to the end”- Emilia
I can’t stop loving her, in spite of what she did”- Sebastian

"YOU ARE A BLIND , PRIDEFUL IDIOT"- host of this blog

Sebastian plans to make Cat suffer like he has suffered by continuing with the pretence. He tells her he’ll give her a divorce but she’ll have to live with him as his wife for six months. Luis shows up with his uncle’s car to take them home, accompanied by Eduardo (in his stupid, ugly, yellow car) and they are taken to Alicia’s house, where they’ll stay for a while. Eduardo asks Cat to come back to him but she refuses, defending Sebastian when Eduardo insults him. Cat thinks over the proposal and agrees, not for freedom but as a means of repairing her relationship with Sebastian; going back to the village with Gustavo. In the meantime, Sebastian drinks heavily and is carried home. Martina is annoyed to see Gustavo outside the house and goes to confront him but is distracted by the handsome Luis (who had driven Cat and her father there); staring at his bare, muscular body (he had removed his shirt so as to repair the car). Cat goes to see Padre, who encourages her to confide in him, and tells him her true feelings towards Sebastian and her reason why she was returning to him. Sebastian is surprised when Cat shows up at the cottage and tells him she accepts his conditions. Although surprised, Sebastian is very rude and sarcastic towards her and puts her to work. Lupe and Rufina aren’t pleased but Sebastian insists he’s told nearly everyone in the town to play along. He’s angry to find Gustavo in the cottage when he gets back and discovers that Gustavo (who is staying in the village for a few days to hide from the police) had spent the money he was given to pay off his debts for something else, and strongly tells him he wasn’t welcome. Adela and Ricardo are angry when Alicia tells them Cat and Gustavo had returned to the village. Romero and members of his band prepare for the town dance which would take place in the evening and notices Martina talking to Luis; he’s told Cat had returned and ready to be Sebastian’s wife for 6 months- which a sulky Carmelo overhears. Sebastian instructs the workers to treat him as the foreman and Creepy Carmelo as the boss, making sure they made no mistakes, pushing Emilia away when she tries to hug him. Emilia angrily informs Toni on the recent development and accuses her of only being interested in hurting Don Lupe, deciding to enlist Sylvia and Eduardo’s help to separate Cat and Sebastian. Toni decides to ‘befriend’ Cat, thinking she would be more useful in helping her with her revenge. Carmelo confirms with Sebastian about the plan before showing up at the foreman’s cottage to see Cat, who is doing her chores. Cat is horrified when Creepy Carmelo propositions her and threatens to tell her husband if her didn’t leave, calling him a ‘selfish bastard’. He finds Sebastian outside and lies he came by to pick up a few things. Cat tries to report Carmelo to Sebastian but he silences her, warning her not to talk bad about the boss’s son. Adela and the children are invited to breakfast by Kiki, averting questions about Cat’s wedding and why they weren’t at the penthouse. Romero is jealous at Martina’s obvious ‘puppy dog’ interest in Luis and is visibly relieved when Luis takes his leave. Sebastian finds fault in every little thing Cat tries to do for him and argue loudly, overheard by Toni, about her feelings towards Eduardo. Toni comes in after Sebastian leaves in anger and ‘consoles’ a weeping Cat. Eduardo sulks over Cat’s decision to stay with Sebastian, certain she still loved him and only went back to Sebastian to make him suffer for dumping her. Emilia pays Sylvia a visit, poisoning her mind further by telling her she saw her husband with Cat. Gustavo and Luis manage to find rooms at a local inn, now firm friends with Pancho and Petra (if I didn’t know better, I’d swear she had a crush on him). Alicia refuses to serve Adela. Sylvia angrily confronts Eduardo. Cat and Sebastian prepare for bed;
Sebastian kisses her which she returns passionately but just as they are on the verge of making love, he pulls away and turns his back on her in rejection. She leaves the bed in anger and tries to provoke him into making love and almost succeeds but Sebastian coldly tells her he’ll make love only when he felt like it and tells her he hated her before dressing and storming out of the house, in spite of Cat’s plea to talk things out. Romero advises him to let Cat go home. Emilia goes to the cottage to demand that Cat left Sebastian alone; warning her it was her bed he’ll sleep that night. Adela is worried that Cat will allow Sebastian take her virginity. Cat (stupidly) decides to pay Sebastian out by making him believe she was still in love with Eduardo. Sebastian shuns Emilia, calling her pawing at him ‘undignified’. He returns in the morning and snubs Cat when she asks him where he’d spent the night. Luis and Alicia tell Eduardo to leave Cat ALONE.

Pam advises Sylvia to get close with Cat in order to keep Eduardo to herself. Creepy Carmelo is reminded by Don Lupe about his foreman duties, much to his suprise(the stupid man thought he won't do any work) and he sulkily prepares for work, accusing Rufina(who obvoiusly enjoyed seeing him being put in his place). Martina is asked by Sebastian to accompany Cat to the market to keep an eye on her and keep her away from gossips

and she reluctantly agrees, but insists on taking Rufina. Emilia tells Cat Sebastian had spent the night with her; Cat slaps her and kicks the fat cow out. Sebastian is restrained from hitting Creepy Carmelo when the stupid guy insinuates that Don Lupe may have children from an extra marital affair. Kiki comes to see Adela at Alicia's house, to offer her husband's legal services to help Gustavo.

Toni comes to visit Cat, just as Gustavo is leaving, wanting to ' get to know' Cat(poison the sister's mind actually) who fallls for it easily. Martina is VERY unfriendly towards Cat(probably jealous that Rufina praised her for selecting vegetables very well) who tries to do some damage control, Rufina however, consoles her. Ricardo, Adela and Louisa prepare to go to the town dance to give Gustavo the good news. Sebastian insists on Cat accompaning him to the dance, giving her a blue dress to wear. Sylvi also decides to go to the dance with Edduardo in order to 'discourage' her rival. Ricardo decides to seduce Martina and get her to fall in love with him(yeah, best of luck, shmuck... like Sebastian won't tear you to pieces) and marry her later on. Don Lupe indignantly refuses to go to the dance as Toni's date, when she suggests it.

The party nearly turns into a disaster- Romero almost stops singing when he sees Ricardo with Martina (who does'nt seem to mind at all). Emilia provokes Cat the whole time and Cat threatens to dance with Eduardo if Sebastian dared to dance with Emilia. Toni asks Gustavo-who was sincerely enjoying the party- to dance with her but "Madame" Adela angrily does'nt allow it. Jessica longs to go to the dance as she is also interested in Sebastian (poor Cat) as well. Creepy Carmelo eyes Cat the whole time, finding her more attractive and resloves to make her his. Sebastian scolds Emilia for telling Cat they had slept together the prevoius night.

Here comes the bride...(EPISODES 10 -15)

Let me first thank everyone who left their very kind comments on this blog and to let you all know- i don't have all 120 episodes' summaries, i got like 3 requests for it and i'm yet to find them, i'm sorry about that. But i promise, once I do, i'll post them.

By the way, this blog is not JUST about telenovelas, so i'll very much appreciate it if u all clicked on the other 'labels' AND cast your votes on the polls i'll be constructing from now on,(see below). Also, i know what you must all be thinking seeing Matthew Perry's photo under mine; please don't laugh at me, I get crushes every now and then and they don't last, just like this current one won't, i just like him very much because the character he played in 'FRIENDS'(Chandler) was my favorite.

OKAY... to business!

Sebastian was confused at first at Lupe's instructions and asks for thime to think about it. Adela and the others are relieved at Cat's return but she refuses to tell them the reason behind the change of heart. Martina & Romero are suprised when Sebastian tells them what Lupe asked him to do; Creepy Carmelo is equally suprised when he is told but eagerly agrees to do what Lupe said(for God's sake, idiot, the man IS NOT YOUR FATHER!!!), even if it was just for a day. Although he finds the whole thing offensive and annoted his father doesnt trust his judgement, Sebastian is convinced by Martina and Romero to go on with it. Amelia dares him to hit her when she is confronted; he pushes her into the pool instead. Josefa and Rufina are certain Petra and a priest from another village knows where the mysteroius letter Matilda wrote before she died. Cat. gets cross when Adela dared suggest Alicia be left out. Eduardo goes to visit Alicia(who is NOT pleased) to confirm Cat.'s statement about no longer being in love with him- refusing to believe it. Sylvia is more insecure about her fading youth and decides to get cosmetic surgery.

Creepy Carmelo vows not to allow anyone remove him from his 'rightful place' once he moves into the Big House. Martina expresses her fears about Amelia's attitude towards Cat. and her talks about revenge; Lupe assures her he'll be Cat.'s staunch defender if she passed the (stupid) test.

Adela isn't pleased at the wedding's venue, what she called 'a stinking ranch'. Cat is furious when Sylvia comes and offers her money to leave her precious Eduardo alone, claiming to be 'desperate' since Eduardo still loves Cat and promises to keep the transaction a secret. Cat tells her she could keep him and sends her away, not knowing Adela was listening, Adela goes to Gustavo and plan to get the money on 'Catalina's behalf' - to pay off the debts on their credit cards.

Sebastian is more convinced Cat will pass the test after she says ' I love you' to him over the phone. Over dinner, Louise comments that the family would'nt have allowed Cat to marry Sebastian if he'd being an average Joe(simple working class man).

Amelia tells Martina ahe was no longer going to quarrel with the couple and was going to stay in the city until they were married; to Martina's relief (and Rufina's scornful disbelief).

Adela pays a visit to a very suprised Alicia a visit and manages to obtain Sylvia's address from her. Toni is informed about Lupe's plan but feels sure Sebastian will win Cat over with his handsome looks and charm inspite of his supposingly lack of money and offers her her seldom used flat in the city(which to my dismay was in the same building as Sylvia's ).
Amelia 'apolgised' to Sebastian (who fell for it) who then gives her a ride to the city. Gustavo & Adela go to see Sylvia (narrowly avoiding Eduardo on his way out) to collect the money on ' their daughter's behalf', lying that their daughter was still in love with Eduardo. In disgust, Sylvia paid up; 14 thousand dollars. Amelia goes to sign up at the gym and meets Sylvia and Eduardo; introducing herself as Catalina's good friend.
Creepy Carmelo moves into the house, setting camp in Sebastian's own room. Amelia invites herself to dinner with the couple at Sebastian's flat and 'innocently' mentions she met Cat's exboyfriend at the gym and who said he was still in love with her. A jealous Sebastian queries Cat who gets vexed at his tone and almost tells him the truth but leaves in annoyance instead, wondering whether to end the relationship afterall and call off the wedding. But he traced he to Alicia's house and humbly apologises to her, admist kisses; she in turn assures the chap that Eduardo was already forgotten. Gustavo lies to Sebastian that he didnt know Eduardo was his daughter's boyfriend.
Adela tries to take over the wedding preparations but the couple chose simple,symbolic wedding bands instead of the suggested elaborate ring of diamonds and Cat insists she couldnt care less WHAT she wore on the D-day. Eduardo and sylvia fight constantly, he is angry to find out that Cat had accepted money from her to stay away from him. Amelia collects a lot of negative info. on Cat. from Sylvia. Alicia & Luis hear about the offered money from Eduardo but Alicia accuses him of lying while Luis feels sure Gustavo and Adela were behind it. Marcleo warns Creepy Carmelo people will certify him as insane if he claimed to be a Mendoza without proof.
Rufina is annoyed at Creepy Carmelo's overzealous attitude; he vows to be the only boss of the Mendoza lands. Romero is advised to tell Martina how he felt about her.
Cat regards her parents as 'shameless' when Alicia tells her about the accepted money and wonders when their ambitons will end. Amelia convinces Eduardo that Cat still loved him and her marriage to Sebastian was merely out of spite. Pamela warns Sylvia not to lavish Eduardo with so many things - but syvlia already has a clause in the agreement- the gym will remain Eduardo's , for as long as he remained her husband, if in the event of a divorce, the gym's ownershi will revert back to her. (good move, i have to admit)
Gustavo & Adeal deny ASKING for the money, claiming it would have been a waste to REJECT it. Toni barges into the Padre's office while he's going over the ceremony with Lupe, to tell Lupe that Cat was an opportunist, he in turn calls her an 'old maid' and that no man could do her the favor of making her a wife with that character of hers.
Sebastian is vexed to find Creepy Carmelo's things in his room and asks him why he's been behaving so weird lately.Cat expresses scorn at the expensive dress Her mother bought for herself. Amelia tells Toni what she'd learnt about Cat. Eduardo comes to see Cat who denies Amelia was her friend and firmly tells him she no longer loved him, sending him away in disgust inspite of his pleas. Cat phones Sebastian to complain about Amelia's latest prank , he confronts her at Toni's house and she doesnt bother denying it.
Creepy Carmelo accuses Rufina of hating him. Lupe is annoyed when Toni comes to his house to discuss his late wife, Matilda.
SEBASTIAN confronts Eduardo at the gym, warning him to stay away from his wife, Cat. Eduardo in turn, hints that Cat wasn’t a virgin. Cat goes to the bridal store to collect her wedding gown. Romero finally confesses his love to Martina, who’s is overjoyed. A family friend, Kiki congratulates Cat on her upcoming wedding. Gustavo gets an official warning from the creditors who have untied to sue him; this time he’ll most likely end up in jail if he doesn’t pay his massive debts.
Lupe demands to know what Toni had told Sebastian about Matilda. Creepy Carmelo overhears Toni commenting on Lupe’s worry that Sebastian and/or Martina may end up not being his children. Cat is outraged when Sebastian repeats what Eduardo had told him at the gym, but assures her he didn’t believe a word of the fabrication.
Amelia surprisingly receives an invitation to the wedding and phones Sylvia to tell her about the church wedding. Gustavo agonises over what to do about the lawsuit- his son suggest they ask Sebastian for a bigger loan. Lupe is worried about what Toni must have told his children about Matilda, wishing he knew where Matilda’s letter (where she asked for his forgiveness and the identity of Sebastian and/or Martina’s biological father.
Toni is visited by “the No. 1 bastard in town” who asks her to help prove Sebastian was not a Mendoza as he had everything that rightfully belonged to him- he, Carmelo, was the rightful Mendoza. Toni agrees but requests that Creepy Carmelo to annoy Lupe in return. Romero formally asks Lupe for permission to be his daughter’s boyfriend, his request is warmly granted. Creepy Carmelo confides in the Padre about his certainty he’s a Mendoza and about what Toni wants him to do. Padre advises him to first get proof and ignore Toni. Cat is vexed when Sylvia shows up again; threatening to kill her if she tried to take Eduardo away from her.
Alicia and the Negretes head out to the ranch in a hired limousine- Sylvia taunts them as they set out. Emilia (wrong spelling all along) bitterly awaits the bride while the groom is worried about what Cat would say about his lie. The family and Alicia arrive and met by Creepy Carmelo (looking more arrogant than handsome in his new suit and sombrero) who leads them to the foreman’s cottage to get ready and stares at Cat who looks like a fragile Madonna in her wedding dress and they all set off for church; Cat and Gustavo by limo and the others by truck. Emilia is sternly warned by Sebastian to behave herself while Lupe warns Toni not to show up at the wedding reception. Sebastian and Cat greet each other lovingly, before turning to Lupe and addresses him respectfully as her father- in- law. Lupe however informs or rather, stuns her and the family by saying that Sebastian was not his son, although he LOVED him like a son; Sebastian tells her that he was just the foreman but didn’t dare tell her for fear of losing her…

Cat naturally expresses her anger at being lied to AGAIN, but her family’s own reaction only worsens the situation. Sebastian mistakes Cat’s reaction for disappointment at him not being a rich man and leaves in anger, deaf to a tearful Cat calling him back. Lupe tells everyone to go home, Toni and Emilia overjoyed and full of vicious triumph. Rufina weeps over Sebastian’s pain. Emilia convinces Creepy Carmelo to make a call to the owner of the local inn to lie that there was no vacancy so that the Negretes would face the humiliation of sleeping in the street. Cat and Ally wander around and get lost; Sebastian bumps into them and they have an ugly fight- he accuses her of marrying him for the money she thought he had and for sleeping with Eduardo; she slaps him, hurt at his words. Pancho leads the two girls to the church; the Padre takes them in but expresses his disapproval at Cat’s ‘deceit’. Toni promises to help Emilia seduce Sebastian (like any guy not drunk will get turned on by her) but in return must hand over her first born child to be raise to hate Don Lupe (this woman SHOULD get a life, seriously).
Lupe welcomes an old friend, who is also the town notary Chucho and his granddaughter Jessica. Alicia calls Luis. Only Gustavo expresses gratitude when Petra takes them in for the night (I really admired the way she ignored Adela’s snobbish jabs, she’s as good as Ally). Martina recognises Louisa as the girl who had been rude to Romero at the disco and is very unfriendly towards her. Luis tells Eduardo that Cat and Sebastian didn’t get married by the church. Lupe asks Sebastian to get a divorce immediately but Sebastian refuses, having another plan in mind…


For the fans of J.K Rowling's masterpeice, is the latest film installment by Warner Brothers, HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, i was lucky enough to watch it on monday at the Silverbird Cinema and i was so impressed, next to HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS, this is the best adaptation of the book, especially since the book has more than 30 chapters and full of mind blowing special effects. For info. about J.K Rowling's final chapter of the HARRY POTTER franchise, click on .

PLOT: In the aftermath of the Triwizard tournament(where a student , Cedric Diggory, was murdered by Voldemort), Harry Potter(once again played by Daniel Radcliffe)- now in his 5th year at Hogwarts- is not only tormented by accusations by the Ministry of Magic and majority of the magic community of deliberately causing panic about the Dark Lord's return through fabrications, but also by disturbing visions of him walking towards a mysterious locked door.
Headmaster Dumbledore(Micheal Gambon) brings together the Order of the Phoenix to fight Voldemort and the Deatheaters(his f0llowers) when the Ministry stubbornly remain in denial. Harry Potter in turn heads an organisaton called Dumbledore's Army by recruiting Hermoine(Emma Watson), Ron(Rupert Grint), Ron's twin brothers Fred & George (James and Oliver Phelps), Neville(Matthew Lewis) and other brave students to defend themselves against whatever may come as well as fight against the tyranical Dolores Umbrige; Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic and the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher played by Imelda Stauton(throughout the film, she looked like she was permanently stoned).

The film also stars Gary Oldman as Sirus Black, Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy, Alan Rickman as Snape, Robbie Coltrane as the half giant Hagrid, David Thewlis as Lupin, Helen Bonham Carter as Tonks and of course Ralph Fiennes as Voldemort and directed by David Yates.

What to expect: Harry's very first kiss!

P.S: There's a rumour that Emma Watson(Hermoine) will be replaced in the next film installment, HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE scheduled to be released on November 21, 2008.

It seems just like yesterday that I first watched the 1988 fim DIE HARD, the very first film I saw Bruce Willis in after being a faithful follower of the detective series he starred in with Cybill Shepherd ,MOONLIGHTING(1985-1989). Ironically, the role of John Mclaine(the main character) was first given to Richard Gere(PRETTY WOMAN, NO MERCY, AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN) but was handed over to Bruce Willis after Gere turned it down. In July 2nd, 1990, came DIE 2 and in May 26, 1996 came part 3, DIE HARD WITH A VENGANCE which featured him with Samuel L. Jackson and Jeremy Irons. Never in my wildest imagination that there'll be a part 4, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD epecially since Willis is not as young as he used to be; Rocky Balboa came as a shock too.

PLOT: An old fashioned police officer emerges to foil a hi-tech attack on the country's computer infrastructure as Bruce Willis brings back one of the biggest action franchises in screen history. It's been over a decade since audiences last saw New York cop John McClane (Willis), but now, as the world's greatest criminal mastermind (Timothy Olyphant) attempts to cripple the entire country with an innovative act of technological terrorism, only one cop can insure that the integrity of the system stays in tact at the same time rescue his daughter who was captured as bait(In part 1, his wife was the main hostage). The film also features Justin Long(DODGE BALL) and is directed by Len Wiseman (who also directed UNDERWORLD).

What to expect: lots of crash and burn!

Did you know? In DIE HARD PT. 1, Hans Gruber, who Bruce Willis threw off the building while trying to save his wife, was played by ALAN RICKMAN, who currently plays Severus Snape in the Harry Potter films.


Another movie to see is FANTASTIC 4: RISE OF THE SILVER SURFER, which most people @ the Silverbird Cinema dubbed "fantastic" and far better than part one. Once again it stars Welsh actor Ioan Gruffudd(who played Lancelot in KING ARTHUR and was one of the candidates considered to be the next James Bond) as Reed Richards AKA 'Mr. Fantastic', Jessica Alba(DARK ANGEL as the bionic Max) as Susan Storm AKA 'The Invinsible Woman', Chris Evans(CELLULAR) as Johnny Storm AKA 'The Human Torch', Micheal Chiklis as Ben Grimm AKA 'The Thing', Julian McMahon as Victor Doom and Kerry Washington(RAY) as The Thing's blind girlfriend, Alicia. Laurence Fisburne(MI:3) is the voice of the Silver Surfer and the movie is directed by Tim Story.

PLOT: Mr. Fantastic(Gruffudd) and the Invinsible Woman(Alba) are all set to get married but there is a major crisis in the world where a mysteroius comet-like being is causing major blackouts, tropical storms and other natural disasters on earth; the 'comet' is actually THE SILVER SURFER who they later discover has destroyed other planets and is about to do the same to earth.

For more info on the "Silver Surfer" click THE SILVER SURFER.

I watched this yesterday and I strongly recommend it.

What to expect: A lot of fantastic visual and sound effects, plus Mr. Fantastic's original dance steps during his Bachelor's Eve party(personally, I find the guy very yummy!) and Ben's reaction to Johnny's annoying curiousity about he and Alicia's "sex life".


MY FAVORITE THINGS: IT'S RAINING TELENOVELAS: LA USURPADORA is where you'll get a lot of info on LA USURPADORA, which is still aired afterall on GALAXY TV. Just Click on the above link.

"Feelings cannot be controlled"- CATALINA(EPISODES 5 -10)

image courtesy of

Well, i got a few scoldings after i declared i won't be posting more episodes on CATALINA Y SEBASTIAN,so... guess who's back!And since i 'll be doing this, i won't be able to follow LA REVANCHA like i earlier planned. Perhaps it's LA MUJER DE LORENZO that will go instead of LA USURPANDORA since GALAXY TV and AIT have been doing repeats for so long and it's a pity, since i want to see Isabella get her comeuppance and Lorenzo and Sylvia happily married.Pls,click and for info on what happens next on LA USRPANDORA and cast your votes on the poll below. So now we have to look out for EL CUERPO DEL DESEO instead.

Cat(visibly cold again) after Amelia's visit, tells Louisa about the unexpected visitor, angry she had thought Sebastian was far different from "Liar, Liar" Eduardo. Back at the ranch, Martina and Rufina discuss if Cat. was prettier than Amelia. In the meantime, Creepy Carmelo hopes Sebastian and Lupe won't reconcile as it would greatly benefit him. He tries discussing his 'origins' with Lupe (at his friend Marcelo's advice) but Lupe gently tells him to "leave the past alone".

Cat apologised to Alicia for calling her a liar and losing her temper and tells her about Amelia's visit. At a cocktail party, Adela(Cat's momsie) makes a fool of herself by annoucing her daughter's upcoming wedding to a 'millionare'. Eduardo starts having second thoughts about his decision- he admits he still loves Cat. but Sylvia's money was more appealing(pig!)

Romero goes to the city to advise Sebastian to talk things over with Don Lupe, Amelia pays a suprise visit, much to Sebastian's annoyance, and is reluctantly allowed to spend a night on the couch. Cat. goes to visit Sebastian in the morning, he was'nt there(he escaped while Amelia was asleep) only to find the other girl there and left in a huff.
Alicia, on hearing the latest development from her, wondered why Cat was angry if she did'nt love Sebastian, and warns her of the consequences of her action. Furious at what Amelia said to Cat , Sebastian profusely assured his very sceptical girlfriend that nothing happened between them and is ordered by Cat to keep Amelia far away from them. Amelia and Donna Antoinette join forces to make both Lupe and Sebastian unhappy for shunning them(these two, especially, Toni, which is what i'll call her from now on, SHOULD GET A LIFE!)

Exasperated at Sylvia's jealousy and bossiness, Eduardo decides to go back to Cat. and ask for her forgiveness,enlisting Luis and Alicia as backup. Creepy Carmelo is furious when father and son make up. Sebastian(at Adela's urging) goes with Ricardo to buy an expensive engagement ring for Cat. (who feels guilty and sorry for her new boyfriend, but hopes she'll come to love him).
Eduardo found Cat & Sebastian cuddling outside her apartment building. She threw his decision about "marrying people for money" in his face and shuns him, he leaves in a fury back to Sylvia and insist on a quick wedding. Full of remorse(she was going to forgive him afterall) Cat. decides to tell Sebastian the truth and end their relationship but Adela fakes a heart attack and pressures the couple to marry before she "died", which they do in a civil court wedding.

While Cat agonises over her mother's condition, Sebastian agonises over how he'll tell Lupe about his sudden marriage, which makes him fall ill(i don't blame him, i've been there). Louisa discovers her mother's trick, is warned not to tell but finally cracks after big sister accuses her of being 'uncaring'. Furious, Cat packed her bags and leaves the apartment, admist pleas from the family, to stay at Alicia's. Meanwhile, Amelia had found out from an earlier arguement with Cat. that she was now married to Sebastian and told Lupe and Martina-Lupe refuses to let his son explain himself, gets drunk and passes out in Carmelo's house, Sebastian is barred from seeing him. Toni urges Amelia to use her seldom used apartment in the city as a means of collecting negative info on Cat. to use against her.
Cat goes to visit Sebastian when she learns he's ill(Romero saw her for the first time and I can swear he blushed as he left) and tells him she wanted a divorce and tries to explain why but her husband thought she was blaming herself fot the current quarrel between him and Lupe and consoles her with kisses. Cat suddenly realised she felt a lot of passion towards Sebastian yet gently reminds him(when he tentatively hinted he wanted them to make love) they were yet to be married by the church, she decides to carry on with the marriage "to see what her feelings towards Sebastian actually was" and moves back to the apartment, but coldly tells her mother she'll never forgive her for her callous trick.
Sebastian is called back to the ranch by Lupe and recieves a stunning order; to test Cat.'s love for him, he and Creepy Carmelo must switch places for one day- CARMELO WILL PRETEND TO BE LUPE'S SON WHILE SEBASTIAN WILL IMPERSONATE THE FOREMAN.
Sebastian is of course outraged but agreed to it, to prove his father was wrong about Cat and get the last laugh.


Argh, I don't believe it , i just CAN'T BELIEVE IT! For those who didnt see last friday's episode, it was a TOTAL DISASTER! Cat looked so beautiful in her wedding dress(even Creepy Carmelo looked at her twice) and Sebastian so much in love when she came up to him and Lupe and greeted father-in-law respectfully, only for 'father-law' and fiance to tell her that Sebastian was not his son, but merely the foreman, (as part of the stupid test) and all hell broke lose, Sebastain mistook Cat's reaction(she wasn't angry because he was a 'foreman', she was angry at being lied to , again and her stupid family 's reaction didnt help) for diasappointment that she wasnt' marrying a rich boy and the whole ceremony turning it to zero, the scorpion(Antionette) and the cobra (stupid fat Amelia) throroughly enjoying saying , ' i told you so', even mild mannered Martina, Sebastain's sister called Cat a 'hypoctrite'. Only Petra showed the family kindness by putting them up for the night in her humble home, despite snobbish jabs from Adela , who just can't behave herself. Now jovial Sebastian is angry and enbittered and vows to pay poor Cat out for pretending to love him and (he accused her of this, causing her to slap him) for being Eduardo's lover.

The episode broke my heart; i'm sorry folks, but i can't continue posting episodes of this telenovela because i won't be following it, i'm far too depressed at how things are now and i just can't stand Amelia and Adela.

From now on, i'll be posting episodes of 'La mujer de lorenzo(if PHCN doesnt spoil my show), 'La revancha' (thanks STV for bringing it back) and bad news, it seems LA USURPANDORA MAY no longer be aired but instead a telenovela entitled

stars MARIO CIMARRO (who played Antonio Adoldo Thomspson in LA MUJER DE MI VIDA
which ended in Galaxy TV last year but is curently showing on weekdays in GOTEL and is the
offscreen exhusband of NATALIA STREIGNARD who played Barbarita in the same telenovela-
they got divorced in 2001, reconciled, but sadly
got seperated again last
year) and the
legendary actor ANDRES
GARCIA who Nigerian viewers will remember; he played Antonio
Lombardo alongside the lovely LUCIA MENDEZ in NO ONE BUT YOU
(TU O NADIE ), the telenovela NTA aired after they wrapped up THE
RICH ALSO CRY back in the 90's.
PLOT: (courtesy of WIKIPEDIA)
The story features Pedro José Donoso (Andrés García), a wealthy old man in love with a gorgeous younger woman, Isabel Arroyo (Lorena Rojas). He dies suddenly, but returns to Earth through transmigration: (the passing of a soul into another body after death), in the body of Salvador Cerinza (Mario Cimarro), a handsome (yet poor) family man. Pedro José searches for everything he lost, uncovering secrets, truths and deceptions. Ultimately, he must set things straight and save those who truly loved him.


Pedro Jose Donoso - a wealthy industrialist who, at 67, thinks he has everything he ever wanted. He has a gorgeous young wife, despite the age difference and opposition from his only daughter, Ángela.

Salvador Cerinza - a farmer who lives a sad life with his stingy wife Cantalicia and their son,
Moncho. Then everything changes when he suffers a mysterious accident.

Isabel Arroyo - a sensual, ambitious woman who loves her husband, Pedro Jose, at least on the surface.

Andrés Corona - Pedro Jose’s right hand man and Isabel’s secret lover. Two-faced, astute and ruthless, he will do anything to take everything Pedro Jose owns.

Ángela Donoso - the only daughter of Pedro Jose, who returns from abroad when she discovers his engagement to Isabel. She also has feelings for Andrés.

Tu O Nadie: The fifth version

Did you know that the beloved 1985 telenovela " Tu No Nadie" (No One But You)   has a 5th version? I recently discovered this by ...

Quote of the Day